MR1042 Aerodynamics Training System Didactic Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment
The System Should cover the following Training Objective: Flow around bodies field Conducting measurement of flows velocity with Pitot tube Conducting analysis of boundary layer on a flat plate with flow along the plate –Familiarization with internal friction of gases –Study of the boundary layer on the flat plate –Effect of surface roughness on the formation of a boundary layer –boundary layer interference with degressive/progressive pressure curve Drag of bodies –Measuring drag forces on models immersed in a flow –Study of drag coefficients –Familiarization with pulse rate application –Recording pressure distribution on the cylinder immersed in a flow –Measuring the wake depression behind the cylinder immersed in flow ¾Explanation of the Coanda effect –Study of wall guided air flow –Study of the principle of pneumatic logic elements –Investigation of amplification effect in pneumatic elements Illustration of streamlines –Investigation of flow patterns in real fluids while flowing around and through models: (aero foil with adjustable angle of attack, cylinder and orifice plate for change in cross-section) –Investigation of flow separation and stall Steady incompressible flow field Measurement of flows velocity with Pitot tube and Pitotstatic tube free jets –Recording the pressure curve at the outlet of a parallel flow into resting surroundings –illustration of velocity profiles Flow in a pipe elbow –Study of the pressure curve at a 90° pipe bend –Determination of the static pressure at 29 pressure measuring points –illustration of the pressure distribution Demonstration of Bernoulli’s principle –Study of the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s principle –Determination of the dynamic pressure from the measurement data via Bernoulli’s principle –Study of the flow velocity from the measurement data using Bernoulli’s equation –Investigation of pressure and velocity distribution The System Comprising the Following: 1.Aerodynamics Main unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Radial fan 0.35kW with maximum volumetric flow rate: 15m3/min, nozzle exit cross-section: 50x100mm and maximum flow velocity at the nozzle exit 38m/s Vertical measuring section with flow straightener and nozzle Switch cabinet with speed adjustment Stabilisation tank Thermometer: 0 to 58°C 16-tube manometers: 0 to 370mmWC with resolution: maximum 1Pa and inclination: 1:1, 1:2, 1:5 and 1:10 Exhaust air pipe Placed on a rigid trolley of four caster wheels 2.Layers of boundary unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Adjustable pitot tube: 0.4 to 50mm with diameter: 0.7mm Fastener device with fast release Plate with two different rough surfaces ─Adjustable: 0 to 240mm ─Chamfer: 30° ─Smooth surface: 25µm ─Rough surface: 400µm Pitot tube can be adjustment to the plate via micrometer screw 2x removable side bodies with inclination: 1:12 3.Drag Forces unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Pitot tube with diameter: 1mm and horizontal adjustment: 50 to 0 to 50mm Measuring section with cross-section 50x100mm Angle of attack adjusting scale: ±40° Fastener device with quick release Set of drag bodies: plate, cylinder with additional pressure measuring point and aerofoil Set of weights 4.Coanda Influence unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Should be Capable of demonstrating Coanda effect in pneumatic logic elements Transparent plate with vertical, horizontal and radial scales Adjustable nozzle with width: 0 to 50mm and length: 100mm Pivoting and sliding elements: up to 90° Vertical sliding wedge: 0 to140mm 5.Streamlines visualisation unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Vertical measuring section: 245x40mm with transparent front plate and dark background Fog generation unit Fog distributor with nozzles Flow straightener Fastener device with quick release scale Rotating aerofoil drag body: clockwise and counter clockwise Orifice plate drag body Cylinder drag body 6.Principle of Bernoulli unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Should be capable of investigating the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s principle Should be capable of measuring the total pressure and the static pressure in a steady flow Fastener device with quick release Venturi shaped lateral body Movable Pitotstatic tube: 0 to 280mm Hose connections 7.Flow of pipe bend unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Should be capable of measuring static pressure at 27 pressure measuring points along the bend measuring points should be: on the left, right, top and bottom sides Pipe bend: 90° with cross-section 50x100mm Fastener device with quick release 8.Free jet unit Minimum Technical Specifications Required (like or better than): Should be capable of determining the pressure loss in the flow outlet into stationary surroundings Fastener device with quick release Pipe socket for the outlet of the air flow Sliding pitot tube: horizontal: ±150mm and vertical: up to 680mm